Nature has gifted us
with abundant herbs and plants that have the ability to cure a wide range of
illnesses and ailments. Charaka is the father of medicine who consolidated
Ayurved 2500 years ago. Sushruta is regarded as the father of surgery over 2600
years ago. He conducted surgeries like cataract, cesarean and brain surgery.
Drugs with Herbal Plants
S.No. Name of the Drug Name of the Plant Uses
Vasaka Adhatoda Vasica Used
as an expectorant
Rhubarb Rheum Officinale Used
as a tonic and laxative
Cascara Rhamnus
Purshiana Used as a tonic and laxative
Strophanthus Strophanthus
Hispidus Cardiac or heart stimulant
Senna Cassia Angustifolia Used
as a laxative
Aconite Aconitum
Napellus Used as a pain reliever
Psyllium Plantago Indica Used for the treatment of
Podophyllum Podophyllum Emodi Used
in case of chronic constipation and for tumorous growth
Wormseed Artemisia Maritima Used
against round worms and thread worms
Ashvagandha Withania simnifera Used
in rheumatism, applied on ulcers and painful swellings, used as a diuretic.
What are Leaves for?
Plants use a process
called photosynthesis in order to change sunlight into food. This process takes
place mostly in the leaves of plant. Leaves are also used in a process called
transpiration, which helps to draw water and dissolved minerals up the plants
stem from the roots, where these substances have been absorbed from the soil.
What are Fungi?
Fungi used to be
considered a part of the plant kingdom, but they are now thought to be quite
different. The main part of fungus is a mass of tiny threads called mycelium.
Fungi live in damp areas or in water because they have no method of preventing
their fragile threads from drying out, they can’t survive dry atmospheres.
What are Algae?
Algae are most
primitive form of plant life. Most algae are aquatic. They are responsible for
providing most of the world’s oxygen. Algae are very varied, but even the large
forms, such as kelp and other seaweeds, lack the true leaves, stems and roots
found in other plants.
What are Sponges?
These are
multi-cellular organism of lower category. These are called pore bearer animals
because many small pores are found at their body surfaces called ostia. Most of
them are marine and remain attached to rocks (sessile). Sponges have a great
power of regeneration. Most forms are hermaphrodite. Examples: Sycon, Leucosolenia, Spongilla, Euplectella.
Euplectella is given as a precious marriage gift in Japan, symbolizing the idea
‘till death us do part’.
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